Auto-Trail Imala 736 - 6 Berth Motorhome Hire

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The Auto-Trail Imala 736 is the perfect motorhome if you like to sit as a group or family playing games, eating or entertaining friends with its wrap around lounge at the rear of the motorhome which also doubles up as a double bed.
To the front of the motorhome, there is a small lounge which also converts into a double bed. You will find a large double bed above the cab. The roof line provides a spacious feeling especially with the skylight above giving you the opportunity to look at the stars as you sleep.
The Imala range from Auto-Trail has been chosen by us as an affordable luxury motorhome hire. It has style and an upgraded galley kitchen area with a hob, oven and grill as well as a microwave.
There is an on board spacious toilet and separate shower, perfect for off site stay overs.
This motorhome, although 6 berth, has 4 seatbelts.
The motorhome has a solar panel attached to assist with off grid living.
This Fiat based manual motorhome comes with unlimited mileage and everything you will need for a relaxing holiday.
To find out more about our motorhomes and availability, why not get a quote today.
Try before you buy. Why not try out this motorhome before you buy it. As an approved Autotrail hire partner, we believe its always best to get a feel of any vehicle before you buy one. If you wish to see a full breakdown of this Auto-Trail Imala 736 with a full dealer list if you are looking to buy, check out our friends at Auto-Trail for more information.